What is the Science of Reading?

orton gillingham reading tutoring

 When deciding on a reading tutoring service for your child, there are many factors to take into consideration. Not all tutoring services are able to address student’s literacy issues. What should you be looking for? Start with looking at services informed by the science of reading to ensure your child’s success in their tutoring lessons.  

What is the Science of Reading?

The science of reading is an international body of research that analyzes literacy acquisition. The science of reading is informed by a variety of disciplines and has been examined across cultures and languages for decades. Research on the science of reading investigates how we learn to read, why some encounter difficulties, as well as the effect of dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities on literacy development. By identifying and understanding the underlying mechanisms of literacy acquisition, researchers can create evidence based instructional practices and intervention strategies to better promote student success. Research on the science of reading has determined the five foundational literacy skills that all students must acquire to read, write, and spell successfully. These include core skills developed in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Research on the science of reading is constantly evolving, allowing for new and improved practices to better enable student success.

What is Structured Literacy?

Structured literacy is informed by the research on the science of reading. Structured literacy is an instructional practice that puts the research from the science of reading into practice. Structured literacy is a highly explicit and systematic way of teaching all components of literacy, both foundational skills like decoding as well as higher literacy skills like comprehension and fluency. Structured literacy helps break down the core skills that students must learn into simple skills that can be mastered step by step.

The Orton Gillingham approach is based on the science of reading research, as well as aligns with structured literacy. The Orton Gillingham approach has over 70 years of extensive practice and research with struggling students. Unlike traditional reading tutoring, you can be assured that lessons are evidence based and informed by the latest literacy research and practices, leading to the greatest amount of student success.

At Wiley Reading Academy, we offer comprehensive reading tutoring based on the Orton Gillingham approach. Our reading tutors specialize in literacy development and are able to expertly tackle students’ literacy issues.


From Struggling to Thriving: Unlocking the Potential of Dyslexic Learners with Orton Gillingham Tutoring


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